Thursday, May 12, 2022

Holy Week & Easter Part III

Easter Sunday

For Easter Sunday, we went to the St. Theresa Parish Church.  The community was pleasantly surprised when the Bishop arrived to celebrate the Easter Sunday liturgy.  As expected, the Church was full and jampacked.  For the Gloria and the Our Father, eight little children led the community in dancing and singing in the local language. There was also considerable dancing during the Collection and Offertory Procession. I must admit that I danced my way to the collection box set at the front of the Altar.  After the Mass, everyone wanted to greet the Bishop.  We joined the crowd in greeting His Lordship and when we finally met him, he reminded us about the Easter Monday Diocese picnic to close the Holy Week and Easter Sunday festivities.

Easter Monday

The Easter and Holy Week activities did not end with Easter Sunday. There was a Mass at 10:00 am at the Unity Center on Easter Monday.  Following the Mass, there was a picnic where everyone brought food for sharing.  There were also vendors who sold food and drinks for those who were not able to bring food.  Families and friends, the young and old were there to celebrate this wonderful day.  I saw the Bishop and commented that I almost did not recognize him because of the way he was dressed.  He told me that he takes out his Ghanaian attire once a year for this occasion.  I even saw him dancing as he made his way to the different tables to greet everyone.  The Vicar General was also there in his Ghanaian attire. I also saw some priests going around greeting their parishioners.  In the afternoon, there were games played, a dancing competition and dancing by just about everyone.  Karen and I also met a German dentist who comes once a year to Damongo for her personal mission to serve the people of the Diocese.  It was a delightful way to complete the Holy Week and Easter celebrations.

At the end of this day as I reflected on the week that was, I thanked God for this wonderful experience. I also thanked God for the sacrifice he made on that day at Calvary for us.  It is truly hard to fathom how our God had to undergo so much suffering for someone like me who does not deserve it.  I could only think of one explanation: LOVE.

“Love and sacrifice are closely linked, like the sun and the light.  We cannot love without suffering and we cannot suffer without love.”

-        St. Gianna

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