Tuesday, December 20, 2022

New Home

I finally moved into the house for LMH missionaries in town.  It makes the travel to and from work easier. 

To reduce spending on a few essential things for the house, I had to be a little more creative than usual.  I actually fashioned a small table to hold the remote controls and cable box out of boxes.  The tabletop was the box the TV came in and the foot base was the box for the oven toaster that I bought.  Cover with wallpaper material and I now have a functional table.

This Christmas I, together with Karen will be hosting a Christmas lunch for our co-workers and neighbors.  To make the house more festive, we needed some decorations.  With limited holiday decorations at the nearest town (Tamale which is 2 hours away), I created some beautiful Christmas decorations using recycled materials. 

Now, I am being asked by the local people to teach them how to make these decorations.  Tomorrow (12/20), I will be teaching the Catholic Guest House Manager and some of her staff to make the decorations for the Guesthouse Restaurant.  They are all excited and happy that they will be using plastic materials that are normally just thrown away. 

Maybe next year, we can start earlier or even do some decorations for Easter.

Merry Christmas to all.  Thank you for the support you have given me this year and I look with joyful expectation for the coming year.

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